The Keewatin Patricia
District School Board puts
students first by creating
a culture of learning
Kenora - Head Office
4th Floor - 240 Veterans Drive, Kenora, ON P9N 3Y5
Phone: 807-468-5571 Fax: 807-468-3857
Toll Free: 877-275-7771
Dryden - Office
79 Casimir Ave, Dryden, ON P8N 2Z6
Phone: 807-223-5311
Toll Free: 877-287-5430
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Caretaking Profile
Caretaking Profile

Custodial staff works under the supervision of the Principal and the general supervision of the appropriate Area Supervisor.

West Area and an East Area Supervisors have been established as the main resource for the principals and to assist Principals in maintaining established high standards of cleanliness and cost effective methods of operation of school-based custodial functions.

In the process of amalgamation in 1997 between the three Boards of Education (Dryden, Kenora and Red Lake Board) to become the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board, the custodial services went under a comprehensive review.

Custodial staff, school administration and senior administrators meet with individual schools once a year in a Round Table discussion to resolve issues that have occurred through the year and on the check status of previous issues form the year before.

Head Custodians meet regularly at different locations throughout the Board to bring forward best practices from individual schools and to give council to the Facilities Manager regarding department operations.

All casual custodial staff must complete a Training Program by the Head Custodian before being eligible to be placed on the casual list.

The Facilities Custodial Department of the Board has partnered with the Wood Wyant Corporation to provide a decentralized inventory stocking system and an ongoing audit of manpower for all facilities (Plan Assist).

All facilities have a Quality Management Inspection twice a year by the Area Supervisors, Principal and custodial staff. The purpose of the inspection is to determine the condition of facility and housekeeping levels. These inspections are a leading indicator regarding the operation of the facility. Q.M.I. is the base for recognizing one or more schools annually with the Facilities Excellence Award. Other factors considered are maintenance planning (long term and daily), use of the work order system, school leadership and daily interaction, regular meetings with students, staff and School Councils in respect to facilities, student programs, recycling, school yard cleanup, etc.

The custodial staff of the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board are members of Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 1939 and work under the terms of a jointly established collective agreement.
