The Keewatin Patricia
District School Board puts
students first by creating
a culture of learning
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Phone: 807-468-5571 Fax: 807-468-3857
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79 Casimir Ave, Dryden, ON P8N 2Z6
Phone: 807-223-5311
Toll Free: 877-287-5430
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KPDSB, OSSTF’s Office, Clerical, Library Staff of District 5A Reach Tentative Settlement

16 Jun. 2020

Media Release - June 16, 2020

The Keewatin-Patricia District School Board (KPDSB) and the Office, Clerical, Library Bargaining Unit of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation of Ontario, District 5A, have reached a tentative settlement within the Local Bargaining Framework.


Details of the tentative settlement remain confidential until ratification by the Local as well as the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board.  Ratification is scheduled to take place by both parties by June 23, 2020.


The parties were able to work together through the use of virtual meetings to achieve the settlement and look forward to implementing the new terms and conditions for support staff.


For more information, please contact Sherri-Lynne Pharand, KPDSB Director of Education at (807) 468-5571 or Cindy Hayward, President, OSSTF at (807) 727-0988.






Cecile Marcino                                                                       Cindy Hayward, President

KPDSB Board Chair                                                               ESP-OSSTF, D.5A, Northern Shield


Sherri-Lynne Pharand                                                          

KPDSB Director of Education           


KPDSB, OSSTF Education Assistants of District 5A Reach Tentative Settlement

25 May. 2020

Media Release - May 25, 2020

The Keewatin-Patricia District School Board (KPDSB) and the Educational Support Personnel Bargaining Unit of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation of Ontario, District 5A, have reached a tentative settlement within the Local Bargaining Framework.

Details of the tentative settlement remain confidential until ratification by the Local as well as the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board.  Ratification is scheduled to take place by both parties prior to June 11, 2020.

The local parties are pleased to say that they were able to utilize a virtual platform to connect and work to achieve this settlement.  Both look forward to continuing to support our students into the future.

For more information, please contact Sherri-Lynne Pharand, KPDSB Director of Education at (807) 468-5571 or Cindy Hayward, President, OSSTF at (807) 727-0988.

Cecile Marcino                                                                                   Cindy Hayward, President
KPDSB Board Chair                                                                           ESP-OSSTF, D.5A, Northern Shield

Sherri-Lynne Pharand                                                                       Shirley Kowalchuk, Chief Negotiator
KPDSB Director of Education                                                           OSSTF D5A ESPBU         



KPDSB & Seven Generations Launch New Adult Learning Portal

05 May. 2020

Media Release - May 5, 2020

As a part of Education Week 2020 (May 4-10), the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board (KPDSB) and Seven Generations Education Institute (SGEI) are excited to launch a new online portal to support adult learners across the region.

The new online portal - - is host to a wealth of information, including:

  • Pathways– Depending on the goals of each learner, the portal offers individual pathway planning in the following areas:
    • Earning your high school diploma
    • Upgrading for college or university
    • Upgrading for employment
    • Upgrading literacy skills
    • Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) – Adult learners may be closer than they think to reaching their goals.  The new portal provides PLAR information for mature students including a credit calculator that can provide potential students with a senior credit estimate they can apply to their high school diploma.
    • Course Selection –Adult learners can choose between university, university/college, college, and workplace preparation courses, as well as open courses for Grades 11 and 12.
    • Success Stories – The portal includes a variety of success stories from past Adult Education graduates.  By sharing their stories, we can celebrate our students’ achievements and inspire potential students to reach out and complete their high school education.
    • Online Registration – There are a variety of ways to register for Adult Education through the portal, including a new online registration process.
    • Contact Information – With numerous sites and locations in the region, the new portal includes location and contact information to support learners.

Sherri-Lynne Pharand, KPDSB Director of Education, stated, “We are so lucky to have this great partnership with Seven Generations Education Institute to provide Adult Education programming in our communities.  This new portal is an excellent way to help interested adults know what is available. The PLAR assessment tool in particular helps potential students know how much their life experience is valued as part of the learning and really helps the goal of a high school diploma be that much more attainable.”

Sean Taggart, Adult Education Partnership Program Principal, added, “The Partnership between the KPDSB and Seven Generations Education Institute has been providing Adult Education for over eight years.  With the launch of the new website, adult students throughout the district have a place to explore opportunities to help them reach their educational goals.  Whether you are interested in completing your OSSD, taking an online blended course, or completing a specific course to enter a college or university program, the website will provide students with the necessary information to move forward.  You’re closer than you think!” 


In September 2012, the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board and Seven Generations Education Institute embarked on a partnership to deliver adult education throughout Northwestern Ontario.

The goals of this partnership include:

  • Increasing opportunities for both indigenous and non-indigenous adult learners throughout the KPDSB and SGEI communities to achieve the Ontario Secondary School Diploma
  • Improving access for adult learners to high quality curriculum resources on a full or part-time basis
  • Committing to excellence and innovation in serving the needs of adult learners


April Board Meeting Highlights - KPDSB Providing Distance Learning for all Students

15 Apr. 2020

Media Release - April 15, 2020

Trustees of the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board met via Google Meet on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, for the April Regular Board Meeting.

Shannon Bailey, Superintendent of Education, presented the Supporting Distance Learning report. On Monday, April 6, 2020, the KPDSB officially launched distance learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of all schools by the Ontario government. Reconnecting students and staff during the closures was a top priority. 

The first step of supporting distance learning was for staff to reach out to each student to find out what needs would need to be met.  This initial interaction allowed teachers and staff to create a distance learning plan that fits each student, both online and offline.  The creation of an electronic portal supported staff in accessing the resources and training needed to provide distance learning.  Now into the second week of distance learning, staff continue to use their strengths and understandings about technology-enabled learning and equity of education to reach every student and continue allowing students to learn with their teachers while schools are closed. 

In addition to academic supports, the Board has also put additional supports in place for students and families during the pandemic, including Mental Health resources, access to free wifi at all KPDSB buildings and a listing of community supports that can be accessed through the KPDSB’s website

Richard Findlay, Superintendent of Business, presented the Board Office Amalgamation update and Board Office Amalgamation Committee update.  As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be felt across the province and country, the Board of Trustees voted to rescind previous motions regarding the consolidation of the Dryden and Kenora Board Offices. 

In June 2019, the Board voted to execute the consolidation of the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board’s Board Offices in Dryden and Kenora into Keewatin Public School for September 2022.  Additional motions in the fall of 2019 required the creation of a Board committee to oversee the consolidations.  The Board rescinded all motions regarding the consolidation of Board Offices at the April meeting.  At this time, all resources are being focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and supporting distance learning during the school closures.  The consolidation of the Board Offices has been referred back to the Senior Administration team for review.


KPDSB appoints Joan Kantola as Interim Director of Education

06 Jan. 2020

Media Release - January 6, 2020

Trustees of the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board have appointed Joan Kantola as Interim Director of Education.  Kantola is currently the Superintendent of Human Resources and Special Education.

The appointment follows the resignation of Caryl Hron, Interim Director of Education, at a Special Board Meeting on January 3, 2020.  Hron will continue in her role as Superintendent of Education.  Kantola will hold the position of Interim Director of Education January 3-20, 2020, at which time, Sherri-Lynne Pharand will officially step into the role of Director of Education.

Kantola stated, “I look forward to working with our students, staff and Trustees as the Interim Director of Education until we officially welcome our new Director of Education, Sherri-Lynne, to our Board on January 20.  Thank you to the Board of Trustees for this opportunity.”

Cecile Marcino, Chair of the Board, added, “We accept Caryl’s resignation and wish to thank her for her commitment to our Board and to the children and youth in our region.   We appreciate the time Caryl has given through her work as Interim Director of Education and look forward to continuing to work with her in her role as Superintendent of Education.”
